
Monstera Deliciosa Seedlings [Everything You Need to Know]

Monstera deliciosa seedlings are young, easy-to-grow tropical plants with distinctive leaves, ideal for indoor spaces and enhancing decor.

Due to their extraordinary foliage and easy care, Monstera deliciosa seedlings seem to find a place in the hearts of most houseplant lovers. Here’s a guide to growing your Monstera deliciosa from a seedling or even from seed with all the necessary information to help you succeed in having a thriving plant. The following parts will explain how to care for a Monstera deliciosa seedling and provide valuable tips and information about growth stages and transplanting them successfully.

Monstera deliciosa seedlings
Caring for Monstera Seedlings

Monstera Deliciosa Seedlings: An Overview

Monstera deliciosa seedlings are the early stages of this beautiful tropical plant known for its large, glossy leaves and distinctive holes, or fenestrations, that develop as the plant matures. These seedlings are delicate and require specific care to ensure healthy growth. Understanding the basics of Monstera deliciosa seedling care is essential for any plant lover aiming to nurture a flourishing Monstera.

Monstera Deliciosa Seedling Care

Caring for a Monstera deliciosa seedling is pretty easy if you stick to some of the basic guidelines. Here’s how you care for your Monstera deliciosa seedling:

1. Lighting: The Monstera deliciosa seedling grows well in bright, indirect light. They possess somewhat tender leaves that burn off in the case of direct sunlight, so it should be located near a filtered window. Keep away from dark corners since they require adequate light for photosynthesis.

2. Watering: Probably the most general mistake with Monstera seedlings is overwatering. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between waterings. This prevents root rot and keeps the plant healthy. A moisture meter will help let you know that you are adequately watering.

3. Temperature and Humidity: Monstera deliciosa seedlings are quite sensitive to heat and moisture. Place it in a room with a 65-85°F or 18-29°C temperature range and consider investing in a humidifier for humidity over 50%.

4. Soil and Containers: Provide a well-draining potting mix. Be sure that the container with its drainage holes allows the water not to sit at the bottom and cause root rot.

5. Fertilization: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to half the recommended strength, once a month during the growing season. Do not fertilize during winter when the plant’s growth naturally slows down.

Provided with proper care, these monstera deliciosa seedlings, by following the above-mentioned guidelines, will develop into beautiful and healthy plants.

How to Grow Monstera Deliciosa Seedlings Indoors

Growing Monstera deliciosa seedlings indoors is a rewarding process. To start, you can either purchase seedlings from a nursery or propagate them from seeds. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

How to Grow a Monstera From Seed

Raising Monstera deliciosa from seed is one of the more peculiar but interesting methods; here’s how you can do that.

1. Why Use Seeds to Grow Monstera Deliciosa?

Using seeds, on the other hand, can let one see the plant go through all stages from germination to maturity, which for a plant enthusiast means a lot of satisfaction. This comes with an opportunity to grow a variety of unique plants, including the rare Monstera Deliciosa Albo Plant and Monstera Deliciosa Mint.

2. Where Can I Purchase Monstera Seeds?

You can find the seeds in an accredited online plant store or a speciality nursery. Make sure to purchase from sources that are credible to have quality seeds. To know more about the sources of the seeds, you may click Growing Monstera Deliciosa from Seed.

Germinating Monstera Seeds

There are two primary methods to germinate Monstera seeds:

1. Soaking Method:

Soak the seeds in water at room temperature for 12-24 hours. This should soften the seed coat enough so that it is not hard for the seedling to come out of it. Then, plant the seeds in a potting mix after soaking. The soil is to be kept moist.

2. Paper Towel Germination:

Place the seeds between wet paper towels and put them inside a plastic bag. Keep the bag in a warm, dark place and check daily for signs of germination. Once the seeds germinate, move them to a pot with soil.

How Long Do Monstera Seeds Take to Germinate?

The seeds of the Monstera usually germinate within 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the conditions. It requires much patience because it is time-consuming during the germination process.

Caring for Monstera Seedlings

After your Monstera seeds have germinated, take good care of them to ensure they grow healthily.

Best Soil & Containers

Go for a well-draining soil mix that has been exclusively made to help your tropical plants thrive. This will ensure air and moisture reach the roots without any waterlogging. Containers with drainage holes at the bottom prevent the accumulation of water at the bottom of the pot.


Keep the soil constantly moist but not soggy. Overwatering will have the same problems as root rot, and underwatering will make your plant droopy and poorly growing.


The best temperature range for Monstera seedlings is between 70-80°F. Keep them away from drafts and temperature changes, which will stress the plant.


Place your seedlings in an area with bright indirect light. Harsh direct sunlight will scorch the leaves, and poor light encourages spindly, weak growth.

Transplanting Monstera Seedlings

This means that as your Monstera deliciosa seedlings grow, they will have to be repotted into bigger containers. Here’s how to do it:

Using Peat Pods in a Mini Greenhouse

Peat pods work great for transplanting Monstera seedlings. Just place it in a larger container with soil, ensuring the top of the pod is at soil level. This minimizes root disturbance, and the plant will acclimate to its new environment.

Planting Directly Into Pots

You can directly plant it in pots if you want to. Take out the seedling gently from its container and pot it into a more significant vessel filled with new soil. Give enough water and keep it in a stable environment to reduce transplant shock.


Can I Grow Variegated Monstera Seedlings?

Yes, one can grow variegated Monstera seedlings. However, variegation is a genetic mutation, so not all seedlings develop variegated leaves. Purchase seeds from a reputable seller who specializes in variegated plants if you want to increase your chances of success.

How Long Does It Take for Monstera to Grow From Seed?

It takes two to three years for the development of a Monstera from the seed to an adult plant. The time may differ from one plant to another because the growing conditions and the type of care provided differ. A Monstera requires lots of patience and constant care if it’s being raised from a seed.

How Long Does a Baby Monstera Take to Grow?

It will take a baby Monstera months to a year or more to become a large plant with recognizable leaves and fenestrations. Proper care, including sufficient lighting, moisture, and nutrients, will spur faster growth.

Is Monstera Deliciosa a Slow Grower?

Monstera deliciosa is mostly a slow- to medium-growing plant. The growth rate depends upon the surrounding factors, including light, temperature, and moisture. You can, in reality, encourage fast growth under the right conditions, and your Monstera deliciosa seedling will turn out into an awesome house plant.


Growing Monstera deliciosa seedlings can be quite satisfying. It requires some patience, attention to detail, and tips followed, as guided herein. You will end up with your Monstera deliciosa grown from just a tiny seedling into a beautiful, mature plant. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced plant enthusiast, growing Monstera deliciosa seedlings is sure to be an enriching experience.

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